COVID-19 Updates
U-M requires COVID-19 vaccinations for all students, faculty and staff by Aug. 30.
Latest information about U-M COVID-19 research, response, and updates:
COVID Honor Code
By Dr. Anthony Waas, Aerospace Engineering Department Chair
The College of Engineering Honor Code articulates our commitment to professionalism and integrity in the pursuit of academic excellence and it represents a particular, longstanding strength of our campus.
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, its potentially severe consequences, and limited available medical interventions, we find ourselves challenged to continue face-to-face educational activities. Nevertheless, this needs to be balanced with the benefits of an outstanding education, so we will rise to the challenge. Since limiting human interactions is one of the few options to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is in the spirit of the CoE honor code that we adopt the following COVID honor code addendum for our aerospace educational enterprise.
While on campus, I pledge to do my best to follow the new COVID-19 social distancing and hygiene guidelines to protect classmates, staff, instructors, and myself during this pandemic and will courteously encourage others to comply as well. I will similarly endeavor to avoid unnecessary congregations and be mindful of the spread of COVID-19 off campus. If I have relevant symptoms, I will immediately seek medical assistance, notify my instructor/supervisor, and will quarantine myself and not return to activities until medically cleared.
Although the above is written for students, we hope that everyone (faculty, staff, and visitors) will seriously consider adopting this view. In the event someone is diagnosed with COVID-19, supervisors and instructors are asked to be understanding and flexible in work assignments. We especially look forward to the day when these extraordinary measures are no longer necessary and we can resume normal campus activities.
Anthony M. Waas
Richard A. Auhll Department Chair,
Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
What do I do in case of an on-site emergency?
Immediately do one of the following:
- Notify an Aero staff member in-person located in either the Tech Center or Administrative Office. Members of the Aero Emergency Response Teams are located in these areas and will be sure that the emergency is communicated to Department leadership (i.e. Department Administrator, Facilities & Lab Manager, and Chair)
- Call the Department Administrator, Shelly Yee, at (734) 763-1226 or the Supervisor of Laboratory Services, Tom Griffin, at (734) 763-1052 and speak with them directly. Do not just leave a voice message or email.
Note that it is critical to reach someone in-person or voice-to-voice.
Department leadership is then responsible for notifying the relevant College and University contacts and taking and/or delegating all appropriate actions to address the emergency.
Health & Well-Being Resources
Page last updated: 7/30/2021
If your question or concern was not addressed in the AERO FAQ, please ask your departmental question below. One of AERO’s administrators will respond to your question within 1-2 business days.