Cheng Huang

Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist


3010B François-Xavier Bagnoud Aerospace Building
1320 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140



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Dr. Cheng Huang is an Assistant Research Scientist in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan. He has been a member of the Computational Aerosciences Lab. The major piece of his work aims to develop systematic modeling hierarchy for turbulent reacting flows targeting for combustion applications. This hierarchy seeks to solve the challenges in modeling critical physical phenomena in reacting flow problems with major focus on rocket propulsion and gas turbine engines (e.g. accurate and efficient prediction of combustion instability in full-scale engines and comprehensive turbulent combustion model development) at both fundamental and application levels.


  • Purdue University
    • PhD Mechanical Engineering ’15
    • MS Mechanical Engineering ’12
  • Shanghai Jiaotong University
    • BS Mechanical Engineering ’11

Research Interests

I am generally interested in computational modeling of realistic thermal fluids problems with strong engineering relevance from a variety of perspectives. My research includes high-fidelity modeling through high-performance computing, reduced-order modeling and data-driven modeling focusing on turbulent reacting flows targeting for combustion applications like rocket propulsion and gas turbine engines.

Professional Service

  • AIAA Member
  • SIAM Member